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Dublin -NEW-

Guinness Brewery -NEW-

London -NEW-

Vienna - Imperial Palace

Vienna - Imperial Treasury

Vienna - Schonbrun Palace

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Haven't been able to access the site in a while? Missed out on some cool pictures? Just wanna see that picture again? Well now you can! The photo archive is now up. See all the pictures from the past, plus bonus pictures never posted on the website. (Audience replies, "Ooooo Aaahhhhhh")
Photo Archive
Most Recent Update
05/06/2001 - Well here we are, more pictures. Dublin and London. Hope you enjoy. I get on a plane for home in 20 hours, but I will be home in 22 hours. The wonders of a 9 hour flight and a 7 hour time difference. See you all soon.
That's my happy little Guinness I got at the Guinness Brewery in Dublin.

Wanna leave a message? Maybe just chat?
I spent years researching this technology. I have finnaly updated the webboard. Now it contains a chat feature too. Enjoy everyone.
Click Here!


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